Bonus #3: Our Role in the Ongoing Creation of the World

Hey mommy!

In today’s episode, I talk more how we play a part in the ongoing creation of the world. Have you ever heard the phrase that says “The eyes see what the mind conveys”? Or “That which a man thinks, so is he”?

I’ll just barely touch the surface with a completely different idea of what creation is - not just baking or playing music, or even making memories with others. Co-creating with Christ is one of my favorite topics (hence why it’s a theme of this podcast, hee hee).

I pray that this podcast will touch your heart and give you a sense of excitement and vigor. I seek to guide moms to understand the infinite capacity we have to create each day (both good and “bad”) and how understanding the powers of creation will actually allow us to change our outlook on life in SIGNIFICANT ways.

I seek to help as many moms as I can to feel their true worth, power and significance and I need your help to do it. The more you share it with others, the more people will find this show. And whether or not they absolutely love it, they can pass it on to others who may have been praying for it. And the work can continue to grow.

So screenshot today’s show and share it on IG stories, tag me and you can win an Amazon gift card (I love using these on the next good book I’d like to read).

Sending you HUGE hugs, mommy!


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Step 1: Get to know the major stuck points and struggles you are in & actionable tools to help you move forward (Mini Masterclass)

Step 2: Deepen Your relationship with God, yourself, and others and step into your light with my 12 week group program. Learn more by signing up for my newsletter

Step 3: Wanna private session with me to get to know my coaching style and really dive deep into making progress on your confidence and purposeful living. Schedule a private session with Kirstin